The case is actually quite nice, full metal case with a plastic window. It's a little bigger than it needed to be, but still quite nice.

Popping off the top reveals everything that comes with the drive. The drive itself is inside the little rubber military guy, and it comes with two types of rope attachments, one with a quick release, the other a screw on cap.

Here we see the front and back of the rubber protective military guy. To access the drive you need to slide it down and out the bottom using the hole in the back.

To give you a sense of scale, the 4GB drive is actually about the size of a Tonnie, as seen in the following front and back photos.

It really is amazing how small these things have gotten over the years. Here's a shot of it plugged into my laptop.

It's a nice little drive, but it has it's problems as well. It can be a little difficult at first to actually insert it into a USB port since it is so tiny and does not have the usual metal bracket. I've learnt that you really have to squeeze the rubber military guy while putting it into a slot so that the drive does not just slide back up into the holder. It's also not the fastest drive in the world. I get only around 4Mb/s write speed to the drive, which is terribly slow, and an average of 14Mb/s read speed, which is in the slow-regular range of speed.
Either way, it will come in handy!